March 20, 2013

Quick Thoughts: GO ON, "Go For The Gold Watch"

I know that Go On was only off for a week, but it felt like it's been forever since it's been on, and thankfully "Go For The Gold Watch" was a decent offering.

This show's taken a much need upswing ever since the Simone arc ended because it's allowed Ryan to reconnect with the rest of the group. His intervention with Danny and Sonia was one of those sweeter storylines that a show like Go On can hit out of the park, and it did especially at the end as he comforted a heartbroken cat lady. It's these kind of moments that I watch this show for, not stunt casted love interests, but it looks like we're in for a doozy now that Monica's going to reunite with Chandler. Another highlight: T.O.

Everything going on around Ryan, Danny, and Sonia was more hit and miss. For one, I never thought about the pairing up Lauren with Steven since the show telegraphed her hooking up with Ryan from the beginning, but I can get on board with this one since it allows Ryan to end up with Carrie for a few episodes. Unfortunately, we got another Mr. K heavy story that just didn't work for me even though it was an excuse for Anne and Owen to team up.

All-in-all, "Go For The Gold Watch" had things that Go On does well along with stuff it doesn't which I'm totally fine with.


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