Remember, these picks are my "wouldn't it be nice" nominees and not real predictions because it's just easier to dream than try to face reality. If you want more legit insights, I'm sure you can find some online.
30 Rock
Like I mentioned earlier, I jumped on the 30 Rock bandwagon late, and I didn't think Season 6 was as good as Season 5, but it was still one of the funniest shows on television. It's going to be weird when 30 Rock's wrapped and we can no longer count on it being nominated for Outstanding Comedy.
Of course one of my favorite shows is going to make the cut for my dream Emmy ballot. I know that Chuck will never get any serious Emmy consideration, but it should be congratulated for surviving for as long as it did because this kind of show would have never existed 10 years ago. Low-rated, cult TV shows barely last one season, much less five, so Chuck should get some love for breaking all of the rules.
Yes, Glee has not been as good as it was during that first 13-episode run, but Season 3 was a vast improvement over Season 2 (which was nominated for Outstanding Comedy), so logic dictates that it should get another nod. Plus, I still find Glee entertaining. which I can't say about some other shows on this list.
Happy Endings
C'mon, of course I had to nominate Happy Endings for Outstanding Comedy since it has the most laughs per episode. Hands down.
Really, I have Louie on my ballot because of how groundbreaking it is since FX just lets Louis C.K. do whatever he wants. I don't think Louie is the future of television comedies, but that's what makes it special and worthy of as many Emmys as it can get.
Parks and Recreation
I'm a sucker for humor and heart, and Parks and Recreation gets both so right that it's worthy of the title, "Best Comedy on TV."
So there you have it. Those would be my top six contenders for Outstanding Comedy Series if I controlled the Emmys. Agree? Disagree? Who would your nominess be?
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