April 10, 2012

Quick Thoughts: BEING HUMAN, "It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want To"

Overall, I'd have to say that Season 2 of Being Human was not as strong as its freshman outing, but its had its share of decent episodes. On a whole, I don't know if "It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want To" qualifies as one of those episodes, but it was decent. It was kinds of like a microcosm of the entire season.

Honestly, most of the new characters that were introduced this year did not resonate with me as a viewer. I really didn't care for Suren, Mother or Henry which was one of the reason why I found myself bored by Aidan's arc this season. I appreciated how everything came together during "It's My Party," but I didn't care when Suren was staked or when Henry was strung up by Mother. What I did care about was Aidan being buried alive at the end of the episode, and I can't help but wonder how he's going to get himself out of this one.

Another decent ending for one of the main characters was Sally's. Maybe I have some deep issues, but Being Human works best when its uber-dark, especially when the main characters are utilized well. While most of Sally's arc this season was disjointed, it did find its groove towards the end, so I found myself loving her all over again which meant watching her shred herself was both heartbreaking and awesome.

Josh's mission to kill Ray in order to save Nora was good, but I couldn't help but feel like something was missing. While I understand his motivations, it's clear that he's being rash and there's something that Nora's keeping from him in regards to the curse, it all felt very rushed and underdeveloped. Now, I'm positive that we're going to be getting more next season, but I just wish this final stretch of the story line had been fleshed out a little better.

So, Being Human Season 2 is done and gone, and while it wasn't up there with Season 1, I did like how "It's My Party" set up next year. How's Aidan going to get out of the coffin? Where did Sally go? Who shot whom? Interesting questions, and I can't wait to get the answers.


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