March 13, 2011

Hulu's Best in Show Tourney 2011, Rd. 2

The first round of Hulu's Best in Show Tournament has come and gone, and there really weren't any surprises although I didn't agree with some of the ultimate winners.

Community vs. The Simpsons
It could be argued that there would not be a Community without The Simpsons, but it's clear that the upstart is the favorite because its fanbase can mobilize online fairly impressively. Too bad they cannot mobilize to get their precious show better ratings. I like Community, but I'm bummed that it beat 30 Rock, so I'm voting for The Simpsons out of spite even though it will not even matter.

The Vampire Diaries vs. The Office
I haven't watched The Office in a few years, and I feel it's run the course whereas I regularly watch The Vampire Diaries because it's one of the most entertaining shows on TV right now. The Office may still "better" TV, but at least TVD doesn't bore me.

Chuck vs. Supernatural
Oddly enough pairing these two cult favorites seems appropriate because I've always thought Chuck should jump over to The CW if NBC canned it, and it could be teamed up with Supernatural on a Friday night lineup. Both shows have their strengths and weaknesses, and I like both shows, but right now Chuck hasn't gotten stale like Supernatural has, so I'm pulling for our favorite Intersect.

Modern Family vs. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Sunny is on my shortlist of shows that I need to revisit because so many people talk about how great it is, but it never struck the right chord with me. Modern Family has been struggling through a sub-par second season, but I still watch it week in and week out. WINNER: Modern Family

House vs. Breaking Bad
I'll vote for House just because I've actually seen an episode of that show.

Mad Men vs. Burn Notice
I really dig Mad Men and cannot stand Burn Notice, so this choice is easy.

Glee vs. Dexter
These are two shows that most critics love to hate on because they either change too much (Glee) or do not change enough (Dexter). I tried multiple times to get into Dexter, but it's just not happening while I'll watch Glee episodes over and over despite their many flaws.

Parenthood vs. How I Met Your Mother
I haven't been happy with the last few seasons of HIMYM but I'm still on board for now. I couldn't get past the first handful of Parenthood episodes even though I've heard that it has improved vastly. Still, I'm going with Mother.


Kristal said...

You definitely need to revisit It's Always Sunny! Season 1 is the weak link, once Danny DeVito comes in it gets all kinds of ridiculously hilarious.

Marcos said...

My hesitations about It's Always Sunny have to do with the fact that I keep hearing that it's a show about horrible people doing horrible things, and that doesn't sound amusing to me.

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