Fall TV is back in full swing as two of my all-time favorites came back (Chuck and Castle), and FOX's critically acclaimed Lone Star made its debut. I might put together more in-depth reviews of the episodes, but I wanted to quickly share my initial reactions.
Chuck: "Chuck vs. the Anniversary"
Quick Thoughts: I thought the Season 4 premiere of Chuck was only OK. The first half of the episode was light on laughs and action, and a little too heavy on the "Suck" PDA. Also, the sexting running gag got really old, really fast (I didn't mind Sarah's photo shoot though). Are we getting yet another Big Bad Organization? That makes three in four seasons. I'm still a little pissed that NBC gave away Lundgren's Rocky shout-out during the preview. Not a stellar start to S4, but it could have been worse...Shaw could have come back from the dead again (I was actually a fan of Shaw by the way).
How I Met Your Mother: "Big Days"
Thomas & Bays lied! HIMYM still sucks, and I don't know how much more I can take. I could only muster a few chuckles, mostly because of Barney's antics which are just as stale this time around as they were last season, but the rest of the episode was underwhelming. Another boring LAME storyline, one-note Robin jokes, and way too many "fake outs" all led to yet another subpar episode of television. Loyalty dictates I stick around for a few more weeks, but it's not looking good.
Lone Star: "Pilot"
The Twittersphere seemed to be mixed when it came to this Texas based con-man show from FOX. Some positively compared it to Mad Men meets Friday Night Lights, and some were bored after the first 30-minutes or so. Some even tried to compare it to Leverage and White Collar, which are two totally different shows that only have a grifter common denominator. Those two shows are very procedural in nature, whereas Lone Star is a serialized show, and a slow burning one at that. I for one enjoyed the hell out of the first episode, and I'll definitely be coming back next week.
Castle: "A Deadly Affair"
The Season 3 premiere of Castle was able to acknowledge last season's controversial finale, but was also able to pick up right where it left off. Watching the banter between Castle and Beckett ranged from cute to downright softcore erotic, and Stana Katic continued to kill with her subtle smiles and glances. The Caskett stuff was great, but Esposito and Ryan were the unsung MVPs (Ryan in particular). "A Deadly Affair" had the chemistry, humor, and suspense that a good episode of Castle should have. I can already tell Season 3 of Castle is going to be way better than Season 6 of Bones. Oh, bet on it.
The plan right now is to put together the usual TV Report Card once I'm caught up on all of this week's new episodes. I hope you come back to check it out.

Quick Thoughts: I thought the Season 4 premiere of Chuck was only OK. The first half of the episode was light on laughs and action, and a little too heavy on the "Suck" PDA. Also, the sexting running gag got really old, really fast (I didn't mind Sarah's photo shoot though). Are we getting yet another Big Bad Organization? That makes three in four seasons. I'm still a little pissed that NBC gave away Lundgren's Rocky shout-out during the preview. Not a stellar start to S4, but it could have been worse...Shaw could have come back from the dead again (I was actually a fan of Shaw by the way).
How I Met Your Mother: "Big Days"
Thomas & Bays lied! HIMYM still sucks, and I don't know how much more I can take. I could only muster a few chuckles, mostly because of Barney's antics which are just as stale this time around as they were last season, but the rest of the episode was underwhelming. Another boring LAME storyline, one-note Robin jokes, and way too many "fake outs" all led to yet another subpar episode of television. Loyalty dictates I stick around for a few more weeks, but it's not looking good.

The Twittersphere seemed to be mixed when it came to this Texas based con-man show from FOX. Some positively compared it to Mad Men meets Friday Night Lights, and some were bored after the first 30-minutes or so. Some even tried to compare it to Leverage and White Collar, which are two totally different shows that only have a grifter common denominator. Those two shows are very procedural in nature, whereas Lone Star is a serialized show, and a slow burning one at that. I for one enjoyed the hell out of the first episode, and I'll definitely be coming back next week.

The Season 3 premiere of Castle was able to acknowledge last season's controversial finale, but was also able to pick up right where it left off. Watching the banter between Castle and Beckett ranged from cute to downright softcore erotic, and Stana Katic continued to kill with her subtle smiles and glances. The Caskett stuff was great, but Esposito and Ryan were the unsung MVPs (Ryan in particular). "A Deadly Affair" had the chemistry, humor, and suspense that a good episode of Castle should have. I can already tell Season 3 of Castle is going to be way better than Season 6 of Bones. Oh, bet on it.
The plan right now is to put together the usual TV Report Card once I'm caught up on all of this week's new episodes. I hope you come back to check it out.
I too thought Chuck's premiere was only okay but did really like Castle's premiere, and I need to watch HIMYM still. I just wanted to say that it probably won't take much to be better than Season 6 of Bones, if the last two seasons were any indication.
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